Large Commercial

Multi-Fuel Biomass Boiler Range offering Guaranteed Peak Performance, Year after Year.

OSBY PARCA, Sweden offers an enviable, class leading range of biomass boiler heat and steam solutions ranging in size from just 200kW through to 3MW (L&MPHW) and 0.7MW/1000kg/hr (generated steam).

They are designed and manufactured to order within their own factories in and around Osby, south west Sweden, and are ideally suited to commercial and industrial applications, such as Centralised Group, Community and District Heating Schemes, where proven capabilities and engineering integrity are essential for heat security.

As part of British owned, global Group, Enertech, they have the appropriate resources and financial backing to ensure constant innovation and product development and together with comprehensive product field support this allows a client to choose Osby Parca secure in the knowledge that it shall achieve and maintain the very maximum combustion and heat transfer efficiencies, and work reliably and predictably for decades.

Complete heat solutions are provided in addition to bespoke in-feed systems and boilers and where preferred the entire package, including fuel storage and transportation, can be containerised for ‘plug and play’ installation.

Please click on the following links to learn more about the products and about the company manufacturing them.

More About Osby Parca PB2 Sales Brochure Steam Sales Brochure Osby Parca Case Studies

Link to More About Osby Parca Link to PB2 Sales Brochure Link to Steam Sales Brochure Osby Parca Case Studies