Bio-Nordic offers a full range of ‘sustainable’ low and zero carbon heating, cooling and ventilating solutions and our primary focus is on biomass water and air heating and solar thermal water heating, core energy needs.
However, our aim is also to ensure that our clients have access to information and products that minimise their own energy consumption and economic outlay and indirectly their overall impact on the environmental climate.
To this end, our first priority is to help our clients identify how to reduce their demand for energy by adopting practices and energy reduction measures that actively save energy.
This working ethos frequently results in delivering smaller capacity engineering based solutions than would otherwise have been the case. Although this could appear contrary to a sound business strategy we disregard this view, believing instead that offering the best and least partial advice we can for the benefit of both client and environment actually promotes good business. The better we tune buildings and their engineering solutions, the better the overall outcome and the greater our clients’ interest and contentedness.
Building thermal and ventilation performance therefore occupies a key stage of our initial consultations.
In order to be able to offer expert advice as well as sound stratagems, we work in close partnership with one of Britain’s leading sustainable building design practices , LEDA Ltd, a consulting co-operative based centrally in Leeds, Yorkshire.
LEDA were the first practice in the UK to gain the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the category of Sustainable Development, a reflection of their pioneering work in the field of low energy/low carbon design and architectural and building services integration.
LEDA consist of specialist sustainable design architects and professional design engineers working side-by-side to provide the most up-to-date advice in the industry.
Examples of those elements of performance we would seek to influence are:
- Fabric thermal insulation performance (both external and intermediate)
- Fittings performance (glazing, doors, ventilation terminals, etc)
- Building Air Tightness (Reduced energy leakage with controlled ventilation)
- Choice of equipment and its location (I.T.and infrastructure, washing, catering and cooling equipment, lighting and specialist electrical services)
- New-build: strategic planning, orientation, layout, structure, room designations,
- Building materials (sustainable product sourcing, controlled vapour transfer, etc)
- Engineering Options: Reviewing the entire servicing strategy.
Visit : for full details of their services and case history.