Log Boiler Stoves

VERNER, Czech Republic

High Efficiency, Wood Log Firing ‘All-in-One’ Heating Systems

Wood log boiler stoves provide a very cost-effective sustainable heat source suited to a surprisingly wide range of domestic and commercial applications. These include small homes, offices, communal buildings, workshops, etc.

Log Boiler Stoves are free-standing, multi-room heating appliances which not only heat the room in which the stove is situated, but also provide hot water from an integral boiler to heat domestic hot water and/or radiators or similar water based, room heaters. For a complete installation, they require a mains electrical supply, a flue system and heating pipework linked to a hot water storage vessel. Fuel is simply stacked into the front (or rear*) of the boiler compartment and the boiler then can be manually or automatically regulated to offer lower, ‘set back’, rate of burn and heat output. They can operate for up to 12 hours from one loading.

The VERNER log boiler stoves that we offer have superb design features including rear log feeding and ash removal* (keeping the room in which the stove is positioned clear of fuel and dust), moving grate technology and large ash pans allowing a variety of briquette types to be burnt in addition to wood log and wood briquette, and a quality of build to match the highest standards set by our Scandinavian partners.

Please click on the following links to learn more about the products and about the company manufacturing them.

Verner 13/10 Rear Feed/Ash Removal In-Built Front In-Built Rear